
6-Module Leadership Course

Our customizable leadership program, designed for individuals and teams, explores what it takes to be an effective leader. Focusing on communication, inclusion, and collaboration, this course uncovers HOW we show up as leaders impacts our ability to lead.

Broken down into six modules, the program works with your busy schedule to meet you where you are in life. Want to schedule sessions over the course of six weeks? We can do that. Prefer to condense it into three sessions? No problem. However YOU structure the course, the result remains the same: an effective, empowered leader.

Mod: 01

How YOU Lead

What makes an effective leader and how do you choose to lead?

Mod: 02

Embrace the I in Team

Understand the importance of diversity and the value different opinions and perspectives bring to your team.

Mod: 03

The Culture Club

A strong, positive culture is the foundation of an effective team.

Mod: 04


Effective leadership results from showing your human side and connecting with your team.

Mod: 05

Navigate Tough Conversations

Prepare yourself for effective and respectful resolutions to conflict.

Mod: 06

Be resilient!

Make clear and effective decisions, cultivate innovative solutions, and function at your fullest optimal level.

Ready to lead with your heart?

“Leadership is not defined by the exercise of power but by the capacity to increase the sense of power among those led. The most essential work of the leader is to create more leaders.”
-Mary Parker Follett, pioneer of management theory